Le Sacre de l’empereur Napoléon – Histoire et légende

Napoleon Bonaparte – Empire This is the French edition catalogue about the exhibition Coronation of the emperor Napoleon. On 2nd December 1804, Napoleon’s coronation, an unprecedented event, provoked a spectacular upheaval: around 20,000 government officials and militaries were invited and decors, costumes and music were designed especially for this grand occasion. On demand of the Emperor, a prestigious book was produced, presenting in great detail the different stages of the ceremony and its participants. This monumental book required the best engravers and, along with the painting Le Sacre, by David, is one of the most considerable artistic commissions of the Empire. Started in 1804, it was finished in 1815 and was secretly passed around only among Napoleon’s followers. Through this little known edition and wide-ranging iconography – ranging from official portraits to popular imaging – Jean Tulard tells and analyses this unprecedented event that contributed to create the

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Opening hours

The chateau

The chateau is open every day except Tuesday, January 1st, May 1st and December 25th.

From October to March: 9.30 am to 5 pm (last access at 4.15 pm).

From April to September: 9.30 am to 6 pm (last access at 5.15 pm).

The park and gardens are open, under the usual conditions, free of charge.

The restaurant is open every day for lunch.

Coming to the chateau

    Calcul de l'itinéraire jusqu'au Château de Fontainebleau