Magnet Jacques-Louis David – The Coronation of the Emperor Napoleon I

Jacques-Louis DAVID (1748 – 1825) The Coronation of the Emperor Napoleon I and the Crowning of the Empress Joséphine in Notre-Dame Cathedral on December 2, 1804 – 1806-07 – H. 6.21 m; W. 9.79 m – Paris, musée du Louvre Jacques Louis David was commissioned by Napoleon I to paint this huge canvas which depicts the splendor of the emperor’s Coronation while conveying its political and symbolic message. The painter himself was present at the ceremony, and once back in his studio portrayed the colorful congregation with realism, combining accuracy with artistry while also complying with the Emperor’s instructions. He thus met the challenge of producing a monumental work that would glorify the event and occupy a unique place in the history of painting.

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Horaires d'ouvertures

Le château est ouvert tous les jours, sauf le mardi, le 1er janvier, le 1er mai et le 25 décembre.

D’octobre à mars : 9h30 à 17h (dernier accès à 16h15).

D’avril à septembre : 9h30 à 18h (dernier accès à 17h15).

Le parc et les jardins sont ouverts, dans les conditions habituelles, gratuitement.

Le restaurant est ouvert tous les midis, sauf le mardi. 


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